Junk Drawers. We all have them. It's where you might find 23 broken pencils, 12 sticky pennies, 3 mystery keys, empty chapstick, expired pizza coupons and a random piece from Monopoly. Like the Iron. Really? A million objects to put in there and you choose an iron? What kind of person does Mr. Monopoly think is playing this game anyway? But that's a post for another day, I guess.
Some people even organize their junk drawers. I'm not really sure how I feel about that. I think part of the fun of a junk drawer is the mess.
Well anyway, for the past 3 months, I've lived without a junk drawer. A while back I posted "Jumping", a blog post about our decision to get out of debt by downsizing. If you missed it, you can click on the link above and read up. I am still amazed by the encouraging emails I got as a result of that post. 3 months ago we had a Yard Sale Extravaganza and moved in with some AMAZING TOTALLY AWESOME friends. Back then I promised to update you on our progress as we searched for a new place to live and paid off debt.
Since September 1st, we've replenished our savings, paid off almost all of our medical debt and purchased 'Bessie', a fine old automobile with ashtrays and red velvet seats. Almost everything we own is now in a little storage unit the size of my old bedroom. We still have a mountain of debt, but we're making progress.
This week we are looking for a new place to live. Ethan (stationed in Fort Bragg NC) and Evan (stationed in Fort Campbell KY) might be able to make it home for Christmas, and we would love to find a little apartment that the 5 of us can spend Christmas in.
So that's my updation. I'll let you all know when I have a junk drawer to call my own again.


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