We all dream.
We all can get caught up in "What if?"
What if I could stop...?
What if I could travel to...?
What if I could create...?
What if I could get...?
What if I just stopped playing around and I...?
What if I thought outside the box and...?
What if I could give...?
What if?
I'm a What-If-er.
Some of the greatest moments of my life have started by asking the question "WHAT IF?"

But last night this guy said something really profound.
He said,"We all are really good at 'be'. But most of us don't want to 'do'."
I've read and heard some great stuff like this recently.

And if I really think about it,
the times that WHAT IF turned into
THAT moment
were the times that WHAT IF
was followed by

You might want to BE a writer.
But do you want to DO writer? Because that involves writing and then writing some more, rejection, exhaustion and criticism, among a thousand more things.

You might want to BE an influencer.
But do you want to DO influencer? Because that means selflessness, courage, creativity and self discipline, among a thousand more things.

You get the picture.

In those moments when you dream, when you picture life as it should be, when you think about who you want to BE
do you think about the thousand things it takes to

Without the DO
I'm just a dreamer.
I'm just another What-If-er.

is good,
but DO
is even better.


  1. Jenna, I loved this post!
    I made a big change in my life a month or so ago, and now I'm praying to figure out what it is that God wants me to DO. Of course I have a few options in my head, but I want to make sure I DO what He wants me to.
    We were all created to be DOers, but not all of us are willing to make the effort. It is not easy, but it is worth it.


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